iPhone/GoPro Mount Mashup
We’ve had some success using the iPhone for aerial imaging from kites, balloons, and quads, so I’ve been looking for a way to mount one to our new Phantom’s GoPro mounting base plate. A quick search of http://thingiverse.com returned this GoPro-compatible iPhone case created by N3W0NE (CC BY-NC-SA). I printed it out on our new Printrbot, and while it technically fits, it needs a little adjustment to be ideal for our situation.  Most GoPro and iPhone users want to mount cameras facing forward, but ours needs to be pointing straight down, which sometimes doesn’t quite work – various mounts and housings get in the way.  For this model to work correctly for our needs, it needs to be tweaked so that the GoPro mount bit is on the short edge of the iPhone.  Not a big deal, and I’m grateful that communities like Thingiverse exist, and that folks are willing to share their work.


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