What better way to determine what a course is really “about?”

“I then give students a week to comb through their notes and their books to come up with passages for identification, short answer questions, and essay exams. The deal I always make is that if the students come up with an adequate number of smart questions, then I’ll draw the exam entirely (or close to it) from their questions, and will usually post it as a study guide a day or two in advance of the final.”

Full article here.

I stumbled upon an interesting way to search for anonymous edits to the Wikipedia originating from inside of the LRCCD network.


Once you’re there, you can select “diff” for any of the articles to see the actual changes and compare them to the prior state of the document. As would be expected, the edits consist of a mix of spelling and grammar tweaks, earnest factual edits, and (often hilarious) vandalism.

It would be interesting to analyze these to determine if any of the changes map to course content. Were students so inspired by their Philosophy class that they felt compelled to edit the Wikipedia entry on Existentialism? We may never know…

For the nerds in the audience…
For security reasons, the LRCCD network “masks” real IP addresses. That is, all of the traffic coming out of ARC appears to originate from the IP address Traffic from CRC appears to originate from, and so on. Couple this with the fact that Wikipedia records IP addresses for anonymous edits, and you have an interesting view into the edits originating from the LRCCD network, by college.