
The official Los Rios Canvas installation can be accessed at

Frequently Asked Questions:

    1. How do I get answers to common Canvas questions?
      1. Google. Honestly, there are so many Canvas users, and so much information available that there’s no reason to wait on the phone for the Help Desk, or to wait for an email response from me. Just type your question into Google and you’ll probably have an answer instantly.
    2. How do I access Canvas?
    3. How do I request Canvas courses?
      1. Course requests are no longer required. Your courses for the upcoming term should be available shortly after the online schedule is published, and you can access them at When you log in (using your standard Los Rios credentials), you’ll see one course account for each of your courses. You’ll probably want to select the ones you’re most interested in seeing in the Dashboard. To do this: Courses -> All Courses -> Click on the star next to the courses you want to see in the Dashboard. You can always access the other ones by clicking Courses -> All Courses
    4. How do I combine courses in Canvas?
      1. The whole “multi” business from the D2L days is all DIY in Canvas. Step-by-step instructions on how to combine course sections can be found here:
      2. Cross-listed classes (as defined by Los Rios) will be automatically grouped together within a single Canvas course.
      3. Separate Canvas courses will be created for each lab and lecture section. Students will be enrolled in the lab class *and* the associated lecture class.  You can combine these (or not) as you see fit.  If you teach both the lecture and the lab, and the students are the same in both, you’ll end up with a course account for each anyhow.  The simplest way to deal with that situation is to simply ignore the lab section and publish the lecture section.
      4. You won’t be able to make any changes to multiple-enrollment courses once enrollment has started (see below), so think carefully about how you want to combine courses.
      5. Be really careful and thoughtful when you combine courses.  It’s difficult (but not impossible, though requiring intervention from DOIT) to untangle all that once they’re combined.
    5. How are students enrolled in Canvas courses?
      1. Seven days before the semester begins, student enrollments will be pushed to Canvas in all courses for that semester (including late-term classes).
      2. As students add and drop classes those changes will be reflected in Canvas.
      3. Once enrollment in Canvas begins, you won’t be able to use Canvas’s internal cross-listing tool (see above).
      4. Until you publish your courses, students won’t be able to see them.
    6. How can I learn Canvas?
      1. Consider enrolling in this self-paced “Introduction to Teaching with Canvas” course from @One.
      2. Study the Canvas Instructor Guide
      3. Attend a Canvas workshop during Flex.
    7. How do students access Canvas?
    8. How can I help students be successful?
      1. Spend some time in class (use the Test Student user) showing students how to navigate your Canvas course.
      2. The Canvas Student Guide is excellent and continuously updated.
      3. Point them to the Help button on the lefthand navigation, which contains links and resources to help them.
    9. How do I publish my Canvas courses so that students can access them?
      1. From within your course, click Home (on the left) and the Publish (on the right).How To Publish Canvas Courses
    10. How do I copy Canvas content from one semester to the next?
      1. Settings -> Import Course Content -> Content Type (dropdown): Copy a Canvas Course -> Select a course -> Content (choose All content or Select specific content) -> Import